
What makes a good keyboard

Like new cars and smartphones, new keyboards are also initially alluring enough to elicit everyone’s oohs and ahs. But as their novelty fades, it’s easy to start taking them for granted. Is typing on them slower than before? Is the gaming experience they deliver no longer up to par? Whether for leisure or business purposes, […]

August 2016 Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to our winner, Carole Jackson of The Westfield Group, the lucky recipient of a collection of game show inspired board games.

QUESTION: For how many years did Bob Barker host The Price is Right?

(ANSWER: 35 years)

Enhance searches with these Google tricks

Much like capturing someone’s heart, mastering the art of fully utilizing Google Search takes time, dedication and the willingness to learn new things. It’s an undeniable fact that we use Google Search almost on a daily basis, yet the only expertise we demonstrate is inputting a couple of terms and then relying on the search […]

5 simple but manageable security measures

Don’t be put off by the tech jargon of security experts you find in forums and self-help books. A managed service provider is what you need to break down complex security ideas into easy-to-understand language. However, they generally focus on installing and managing protection software that’s often far too complicated to operate without their help.

Arrange meetings with Microsoft FindTime

While an impressive arsenal of weapons can help you win a battle, you need diligence, perseverance and sacrifice to win the war. But when that war is waged in the arena of calendar management, you’re dealing with a whole other monster. When scheduling meetings, uncontrollable factors like varying schedules and department-specific time constraints mean that […]

The Truth About Email Archiving Systems

HOST:  Hello again everyone and welcome to To Tell the Truth!  Today we have three contestants each who is prepared to tell us the key reason why organizations today should have a system for archiving email!  Contestant #1…

CONTESTANT #1:  I have a law degree and I can tell you that clearly the most important reason to archive email today is for the purposes of Regulatory Compliance.

IT Security Tip #20: How to keep your team from unintentionally causing a security breach

Quick Tip: Make security a habit, through Security Awareness Training and Testing.

Why? With so many access points, from cell phones to laptop and home computers, how can anyone hope to keep their network safe from hackers, viruses and other unintentional security breaches? The answer is not “one thing” but a series of things you have to implement and constantly be vigilant about, such as installing and constantly updating your firewall, antivirus, spam-filtering software and backups.