Local Business Taps Into IT Radix PowerUp Plan

Local Business Taps Into IT Radix PowerUp Plan

image-PowerUp-laptopThe principal of our latest client is someone who has known Cathy Coloff and the IT Radix team for quite some time, but the firm tended to take care of themselves when it came to computer support.  But they joined up with IT Radix recently because they needed more help going forward with email, setting up remote access as well as new hardware and updates for a number of applications including QuickBooks.

This new client did a very smart thing, they engaged with IT Radix on a retainer basis, which we call a PowerUp.  Our PowerUp plan allows our client to enjoy a benefit in terms of reduced rates for service for the new project work and provided a number of hours of support left over “in the bank” to tap in to whenever needed over the course of the next twelve months.  A win-win for both—we’re very happy to have them as a part of the growing roster of happy IT Radix clients.