The Joy of Controlling: ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start

Evolution of Video Gaming Controllers

Reach back in your memory—prior to VR headsets, long before debates of PlayStation vs. XBox. The year was 1977, and looking back at the Atari 2600—arguably the forefather of modern video game systems—the only peripheral that connected you to the action on your television screen was a small black joystick embellished with a single red button.

What’s Happening in the Shadows

The Risks and Rewards of Shadow IT
Shadow IT is when individuals in an organization use technology services or solutions without approval or oversight by management and IT. It’s simply IT that happens in the shadows. Just like an artist who might wish to create depth in a painting by adding shadows, staff often create shadow IT systems with the best of intentions.

Electronic Waste Recycling Benefits

In November we are reminded to be thankful. At IT Radix, we’re thankful for our planet and feel it’s important for everyone to find ways to give back to it. One way you can contribute is by recycling your electronic waste. Here are a few e-waste recycling benefits:

Machines can be recycled and used for new parts, eliminating the need for mining for materials such as copper, aluminum, and steel.