Server Virtualization Services

Work smarter by maximizing the value of your hardware investments
img IT Radix Server Virtualization Services
img Server Virtualization Services

Virtualization Wizardry

Don’t get bogged down by server stuff. Our virtualization magic lets you run multiple apps and systems on one server. No more downtime or admin headaches – just smooth sailing. 

Instead of the “one server for one application” model of hosting, virtualization enables enterprises and SMBs alike to enjoy massive advantages without scaling back services. The benefits of server virtualization are plentiful, from reducing time spent on routine IT administrative tasks to improving company productivity and growth. 

While scoping, sizing, and executing server virtualization solutions can be an onerous task, with IT Radix at your side, it won’t be. Our team will perform a solid analysis to evaluate your requirements and recommend solutions that fit your needs and budget. We’ll also provide a customized migration plan that will mean little to no downtime for the transition. From there, all you have to do is enjoy the productivity and cost benefits while we handle the maintenance and management. 

IT Radix’s Server Virtualization solutions benefit your business operations by:

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Allowing you to run multiple applications and operating systems independently on a single server

Letting you move workloads easily from one virtual workspace to another

Reducing the time needed to configure and deploy new servers from hours to a few minutes

Condensing equipment and maximizing server resources

Lowering data center costs significantly with power and labor savings