Why businesses need a UPS

Power outages caused by utility failure, accidents, and natural disasters such as storms, flooding, or earthquakes are inevitable. There’s very little you can do to prevent any of these from happening, but you can avoid the consequences to your business by using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). What is an uninterruptible power supply? An uninterruptible […]

How thin and zero clients save money

Businesses are always looking for ways to cut costs without sacrificing growth. For the longest time, many believed that they had to purchase workstations with its own processing power, RAM, and hard drive. But thanks to virtualization, companies can save money and get the computing processes they need with thin and zero clients.

What’s Your Firewall Against Extinction?

Like it or not, the world’s biodiversity is diminishing.  Fortunately, zoos are playing a greater role in preventing the extinction of species in nature—in effect, they have become firewalls against extinction.  Zoos provide naturalistic habitats for animals that give the illusion of open access, but both the animals and the visitors are protected.

Making a Break for It

The keepers of the Parrot Gardens at the Vancouver Zoo thought they had it all under control in 2009. Clip the wings of all the birds and none can escape. Well, Chuva the Macaw found her way out and got pretty far down the road without flying—she found a nice spot to lounge, nestled in the engine of an RV parked in the lot.