Put an “air bag” around your computer network

Would you let your son or daughter get into a car and drive away without fastening their seat belts?  Would you let your husband or wife buy a new car that did not have air bags?    Would you think nothing of going off on a long trip knowing that your front tires are bald or your brakes are in dire need of replacement?    The answers to all those questions are obvious:  Of course you would not!  A reasonable man or woman would certainly not.

Protect Your Business from Information Theft

In my last post, I identified the need to protect your business from information theft.   In my humble opinion, most small-medium business don’t pay sufficient attention to this risk.    Here are some interesting statistics about cybercrime’s wide reach:

1 in 6 – Number of companies where employee fell for a simulated phishing email scam
$5.9 million – Median annual cost of cybercrime per U.S. company
47% – Number of U.S. small businesses that provide cybersecurity training to employees

The good news is that your security system doesn’t need to be perfect but rather, it just needs to be better than most.

Somebody’s Watching Me

You took a look at a new car online and now car ads are popping up on your social media pages, in your email and everywhere.  Why?  Because you're being tracked as you surf the Internet.  While you're surfing, technology is collecting data on you and your surfing habits.

Alert: Things to Do to Protect Yourself from Heartbleed

By now, you’ve probably already heard of the web server vulnerability dubbed "Heartbleed".  There is a lot of confusing info about it out there in the wild.  We thought we’d summarize it for you:

What it is?  A bug on some web servers that that can allow the attacker to obtain sensitive user information in a server’s memory including usernames, passwords and credit card numbers from a website.