What Office Delve does for Office 365 users

Office 365 is a cloud-based productivity suite that is popular with small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It’s offered in a wide variety of subscription plans, making it even more popular among businesses. To deal with users’ concerns with storing/accessing data within Office 365, Microsoft has released Office Delve.

Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Office workers are far too familiar with slideshow presentations that are either more soporific than cough medicine or are horrible time sinks that make them miss their deadlines. To avoid becoming the next target of their ire and resentment — and perhaps become the presenter everyone actually enjoys — here are some tips on how […]

Essentials of Nutrition – Office 365

Breakfast cereal TV commercials in the 60s and 70s ended with visuals of an appetizing meal with the voice-over saying “part of a complete breakfast” that included: a bowl of sugary cereal, juice, milk, toast and butter, and fruit (advertisers were legally obligated to include that last one). Looking back, it is hard to believe that anyone could really include Lucky Charms as essential to a complete breakfast.

Make the most out of your O365 subscription

It may seem as if Office 365 is merely Microsoft’s way of joining the online subscription bandwagon, but that’s not the case. O365 is Microsoft’s way of upgrading its ubiquitous Office suite by augmenting it with cloud features. Office apps and the files you create with them are accessible wherever there’s an internet connection, but […]