The Great Escape

An interview with Sr. IT Consultant, Mike Oster

IT Radix: How were you introduced to Escape Rooms?

Mike: It was my eldest child’s idea. As kids, they were always encouraged to try something they had never done before. They’d make a list and we’d pick something to experience together as a family.

Our Team Whips IT Up!

Our IT Radix Team Members Love to Cook!
More and more people are eating at home than ever before. Cooking, especially when done for others, comes with some positive psychological benefits making people feel happy and connected to others. It also evokes fond memories and provides a creative outlet.

The Race to 5G Wireless Internet

Here at IT Radix, we’re no strangers to giving back. In fact, it’s one of our most important company core values! From our semiannual e‑waste recycling drives to food pantry collection events, to fundraising 5K runs that benefit causes like breast cancer research or our client, local not-for-profit agency JBWS. Another race we’ve been keeping our eye on… the race to 5G. You’ve probably heard the term, but the reality is that the race itself is far less important than what we reach at the finish line.

Get to know Debbie better…

When it comes to Community Service, Debbie is quite the Activist and was very involved with the Long Valley Board of Education when her sons were younger, successfully rallying community members to get a school expansion passed. She also volunteered many hours at a local animal shelter—”Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.

October 2021 Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to our winner, Katie Lennon of Lee & Associates, the lucky recipient of a Barnes & Noble gift card!

QUESTION:  What was the first book that kicked off the For Dummies series of how-to books?

ANSWER:  DOS for Dummies

Our IT Radix Reading Circle

Our IT Radix Team Members Love to Read!
Reading is not only enjoyable it’s also VERY good for you!  Mentally, it improves brain connectivity, slows dementia as you age, fights symptoms of depression, increases vocabulary and comprehension, and fosters empathy towards others.

The Joy of Controlling: ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start

Evolution of Video Gaming Controllers

Reach back in your memory—prior to VR headsets, long before debates of PlayStation vs. XBox. The year was 1977, and looking back at the Atari 2600—arguably the forefather of modern video game systems—the only peripheral that connected you to the action on your television screen was a small black joystick embellished with a single red button.

It’s All Fun and Video Games

Our IT Radix Team Members Love Video Games!
Video games have exploded in popularity over the last few decades and have come a long way since Atari’s Pong was released in 1972. They’re exciting, invigorating, and not just for kids—the average age of a gamer is 35! Today, there are over five million games in existence and a multitude of genres that everyone can enjoy.

July 2021 Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to our winner, David Kerner of Meisel, Tuteur & Lewis, P.C., the lucky recipient of a “Get Outdoors” Fun Pack!

QUESTION:  What is an outdoor recreational activity in which participants use a mobile device to find hidden “treasures”?

ANSWER:  Geocaching

Get to know Dan C better…

Dan C, as we affectionately call him (not to be confused with Dan P), enjoys the hobby of photography and photo editing. He’s especially skilled at lighting touchups and enhancements and has fun experimenting with multiple lenses and techniques.

Dan C cut his teeth in IT at Anthem Institute of Technology where he received training in networking, Windows Server and Active Directory.