Email Management Strategy — Relax!

This month’s email management strategy is:  Relax!

Constantly checking email wastes time.  Block time to answer your email and fight the temptation to check your email every few minutes.  We recommend checking your email no more frequently than once an hour—preferably twice a day (morning and evening).  You will save yourself a lot of time and be far more productive.

Email Management Strategy — Save!

This month’s email management strategy is:  Save!

File email attachments where they belong, and delete the email. File these attachments on your network’s personal or shared directories (i.e., desktop, documents, pictures, etc.)

Any questions? Give IT Radix a call.

Email Management Strategy – Design!




This month’s email management strategy is:  Design!


Use a filing system that reflects all the facets of your daily activities and interactions (i.e., how you really work).  A straight alphabetical list isn’t as helpful as you may think.

Email Management Strategy — Build!


This month’s email management strategy is: Build!

If you’re keeping an email because it contains contact information, track that data in Outlook Contacts or in your CRM, not the Inbox. Here are some tips when saving contact information in Outlook: 


First highlight and copy the signature information from the email.

Email Management Strategy — Allocate!

This month’s email management strategy is:  Allocate!

If the email message requires action, categorize it by action needed.  If it will take more than 5 minutes, go one step further and turn it into a Task (be sure to split out each action step).

Any questions?  Give IT Radix a call.

Email Management Strategy — Automate!

This month’s email management strategy is:  Automate!

Wouldn’t it be nice to automatically file non-critical mail?  Highlight critical mail?  Group people together?  Memorize a series of commonly used steps?



Did you know that in Outlook you can: 

Create rules for senders who usually post informational messages.

Email Management Strategy — Segregate!

Email management strategies are essential to keeping your in-basket manageable and SPAM free.  Strategies will help you work more efficiently, productively and smarter.  This month’s strategy is: Segregate!

Keep your business email consolidated by banishing non-business communications elsewhere.