Each Department Within Your Organization Involves Unique Risks

While IT professionals are crucial in implementing security measures, comprehensive cybersecurity involves a multidisciplinary approach.  It encompasses not only technical aspects but also policy development, employee training, risk management and a deep understanding of the organization’s unique security landscape.

Because each department within your organization involves unique risks, people from various roles must be included in security conversations.  But many companies are not doing this.  CompTIA’s 2024 global State of Cybersecurity report shows that while 40% of respondents say that technical staff are leading those conversations, only 36% indicate that the CEO is participating, and just 25% say that business staff is involved.

A wide range of business professionals should be included in risk management discussions.

“More companies should consider including a wide range of business professionals, from executives to mid-level management to staff positions, in risk management discussions,” CompTIA writes.  “These individuals are becoming more involved in technology decisions for their departments, and without a proper view into the associated risks, their decisions may have harmful consequences.”

Business leaders and employees at all levels must actively engage in cybersecurity efforts, as they are all potential gatekeepers against evolving threats.

As your trusted IT service provider, IT Radix is here to help manage all aspects of your cybersecurity.  Contact us today for a comprehensive risk assessment.

First published in our December 2024 IT Radix Resource newsletter