For some, June means Father’s Day, the end of school, and the beginning of summer vacations. I hope you’ll take a moment to read some of our security tips which may be useful if you travel. I can remember our family vacations sailing from anchorage to anchorage with the occasional trip out West to visit our extended family. The sailing trips were like camping on water with a mix of fun, trials and tribulations. Of course, smartphones and tablets were not a thing then, and I would consume multiple books on a single trip, mostly Nancy Drew mysteries or, as I got older, romance novels. I cannot imagine Alex’s reaction to a trip without his cell phone for three or more days. As we plan our summer vacation this year, ensuring that Wi‑Fi with Internet is available for at least a portion of our stay is mandatory.
It’s amazing how technology has changed the world of tourism and life in general. Personally, I enjoy the wealth of information available about the places we’re visiting, interacting with new people we’ve met on our travels, as well as sitting and taking in our surroundings.
To all the fathers out there, I hope you’ll take a moment and enjoy your day. Happy Father’s Day!
First published in our June 2024 IT Radix Resource newsletter