The 10 Commandments of IT Security
IT Security Commandment #1: Thou Shalt Keep IT Security Front and Center
Q: What did Moses say after smashing the tablets that contained the 10 Commandments?
A: “That’s okay, I have a backup in the cloud.”
Now that we have your attention, we want to introduce you to the 10 Commandments of IT Security. The first commandment is Thou Shalt Keep IT Security Front and Center. Why is this important? The short answer is that because without IT security, everything about your business and your organization is at risk. Yes, EVERYTHING!
Cyberattacks—the penetration of an organization to inflict loss via malware, ransomware, and social engineering phishing attacks—continue to grow.
Cyberattacks—the penetration of an organization to inflict loss via malware, ransomware, and social engineering phishing attacks—continue to grow. Sadly, the perpetrators of these attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. All entities (for profit and nonprofit; big and small) store sensitive information on their IT systems. That information is the sweet spot… the target for the cybercriminal. They turn that information into cash either by forcing a ransom, selling the information on the Dark Web, or even sharing the information with competitors to that business… for a fee!
Small Businesses Are Big Targets for Cybercriminals
No heads in the sand! Staying alert to cybersecurity risks is paramount. That is why Commandment #1 exists. Too many small business leaders think that they are not a target and not at risk. They could not be more completely wrong! Smaller organizations are notoriously easy targets. Typically, they employ little-to-no cybersecurity protections, let alone think about the risk. Cybercriminals are well aware of this. They realize that a large reward can come from attacking a Fortune 500 entity, but the time and talent necessary to do so can be enormous due to the ability of large organizations to fund protections. Therefore, there are plenty cybercriminals who are focused on smaller organizations where there are plenty of unsecured devices, workers using their personal phones and PCs with old or no antivirus on them, or perhaps, working from home via an unsecure network. You’re not too small to be a target, you’re just too small to make the news.
Inconvenience is a feature! Many have noted that cybersecurity is neither inexpensive, nor convenient. That may be a fact, but that is also the point! Making it inconvenient for a cybercriminal to access your network or computer thwarts their progress. When they find a locked door, they move on to their next victim.
So, by keeping cybersecurity top of mind, you are well on your way to obeying the 10 Commandments of IT Security! Contact us today for more information on how to protect yourself and your team.