Our IT Radix Team is Not Only IT Savvy… We Know Our Music Too!

We don’t like to brag, but IT Radix has enough musical talent to form our own band. And our repertoire encompasses many genres: marching, rock, religious and classical. While most of our humble staff don’t like to toot their own horn, it’s time to shed some light on their musical talents.

Band Geeks…

We have three high school Marching Band geeks in our midst. Dylan played both the clarinet and saxophone and enjoyed slaying folks with his Bayou Breakdown clarinet solo. Rob played the bass drum every year because he was the only guy strong enough to carry it without complaining. And, Chuck played the trumpet and claims that “brass players have the best lips.”

Rock Stars…

A few of our folks found rock music more their speed. Dylan likes to noodle around on his guitar every now and then, and Ken claims that he is 373,651 on the list of “The World’s Most Okayest Guitarists.” Rob was the lead singer and occasional drummer for a very short-lived heavy metal band in his late 20s.

Singing Sensations…

Amy started singing in her church children’s choir and her first solo was O Holy Night at midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Amy also won an award from the Children’s Foundation for the Arts when she was 17. In high school, Rob was a member of a combined invitational choir and performed at Carnegie Hall three years in a row!

Piano Aficionados…

Cathy took piano lessons for 10 years and feels that music enhances most experiences. Classical music helps her focus, and her “go to” is Stravinsky. Marybeth has played the piano since she was a child and has developed a life-long love of classical music.

Musical Dreamer…

Robin laments that she failed at her attempt to learn the ukulele and harmonica and is throwing in the towel on any musical talents—other than air guitar.

Most of us have an innate understanding of music. Even if we can’t play an instrument or sing, we can all connect with rhythms and melodies.

We have an interesting crew with a variety of skill sets here at IT Radix.  Learn more about all of our IT Radix team members here.

First published in our June 2021 IT Radix Resource newsletter