A Seamless IT Network Design Requires Advanced Planning

Plotting your organization’s IT infrastructure is similar to designing a quilt. You start with an idea—in business, this is a desired outcome that technology can help you create. Whether it’s a quilt or business network, you need to get the ideas out of your head and into reality.

Often, quilters will use graph or paper to lay out their design. When using this approach, they make decisions about the scale, pattern, etc. They start laying out the blocks, lines, and more. Similarly, if you’ve met with Cathy, you may have seen her hand draw a computer network to help visualize what’s needed to accomplish your IT goals.

As Your Business Needs Change or Technology Advances, You May Need to Readjust Your Design

Sometimes, quilters need to start over or lay out the same quilt multiple times before getting it right. It’s the same with technology. As your business needs change or technology advances, sometimes you need to readjust your design.

After the basic quilt drawing is created, the block sizes need to be calculated taking into account the available fabric allotment, seam allowance, and more. From this, a plan is developed on how best to put the different sections of the quilt together as well as the optimum order of sewing. IT Radix does the same when designing your IT infrastructure. We develop a high-level plan which then gets fleshed out into the hardware, software and configuration steps needed to create your IT environment. Basically, we create a pattern that we can follow for each project, large or small.

Like a seasoned quilter, IT Radix uses these design techniques to create seamless IT networks.

Contact IT Radix today and let us help you with your network design and planning today.

First published in our March 2021 IT Radix Resource newsletter