Did you know that January is National Hobby Month?  I’ve had my fair share of hobbies over the years.  With COVID-19 and the need to social distance, many are turning to their hobbies to spend time in a positive manner.  Let’s face it—all too often, we’ve let the busyness of life allow our personal hobbies to fall by the wayside.

One of my hobbies includes photography—I have thousands of photos. By far, my favorites are photos of family and friends; and in this time of social distancing, I’ve been enjoyed “seeing” folks through photos as I’ve been organizing my digital photo library.  I have a fair share of landscapes and close up still-life photos.  I recently enjoyed perusing Reuters’ “Pictures of the Year:  Landscapes” online and realized I have much to learn and improve upon.  There are amazing wildlife photographs and so much more to allow us to go to and see places virtually online.  Additionally, the plethora of online photography classes, websites, and communities give me so many opportunities to improve my own photography.  I’m looking forward to picking up my camera again.

What is one of your hobbies?  When was the last time you actually spent time on it?  Perhaps one of the blessings of COVID-19 is the time to reflect and pick up activities like one of your hobbies again.  I plan to share a couple of my favorite photos on our Facebook page.  I hope you will share your hobby with us there too.

First published in our January 2021 IT Radix Resource newsletter