Eyestrain has become a major issue in today’s world. With blue light coming from our cell phones, tablets, televisions and computers, it is no wonder that more people than ever are suffering from eyestrain, headaches, and dry eyes. However, there are a few things that can be done that will help keep you comfortable and your eyes in good shape.

First things first: upgrade your computer monitor! To reduce eyestrain as much as possible, it is recommended to upgrade to a flat-panel LED screen with an anti-reflective surface. Old CRT monitors had a “flicker” that was known to be a major cause of eyestrain. Luckily, today’s new LED screens do not have this issue. Large screen monitors, 19 inches or more, are also recommended to make it easier on your eyes.

Computer monitor settings that can help:

  1. Adjust the brightness of your screen. Generally, your screen should not be brighter or darker than your surroundings. Rule of thumb: if it looks like a light source, it’s too bright.
  2. Change the color temperature. Blue light causes more eyestrain than orange or red hues, so by reducing the color temperature of your screen you are reducing the amount of blue light coming through. This allows you to look at your screen for a longer amount of time comfortably.
  3. Adjust the text size. Some people find it easier to read on a bright screen when the text is bigger. Your eyes do not have to focus as hard and thus removes the headache that follows suit.

Next, modify the contrast of your applications. Many apps, browsers, software, and even websites have a “dark mode” that is easier on the eyes. “Dark mode” allows the background of your screen to be black and the text white. This puts less strain on the eyes and makes your screen easier to stare at all day. Here are a few examples of apps with dark mode to get you started: Gmail, Chrome, Apple iPhone, and all Microsoft Office applications (Word, Outlook, etc.).

Finally, use a matte screen filter or “anti-glare” screen protector. Matte coatings filter out the glare that you may get on a computer screen from both natural light and light bulbs. The effect is one that it makes your screen look flatter, as if you were looking at a sheet of translucent paper.

Reach out to IT Radix for help updating your settings today!

First published in our July 2020 IT Radix Resource newsletter