Dark Web monitoring is a service that provides you with vision into sensitive data that might be lurking around on the web. The “Dark Web” is an unofficial network of information that contains a variety of personal information and security credentials that are then resold to cyber criminals. When a big company like LinkedIn is breached, all those usernames and password end up on the Dark Web for criminal resale.

Dark Web monitoring crawls the Dark Web and finds leaked passwords for your account, your employees accounts, and even searches for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data that may have been lost. By knowing what passwords are exposed, making the necessary changes to prevent a security breach becomes possible.

2020 is all about vision, so don’t get blindsided by the Dark Web.

Contact IT Radix here and ask about running a one-time scan to know if your business has any exposed data!

First published in our March 2020 IT Radix Resource newsletter