If your network fails or you experience a power outage, your business will come to a screeching halt. You are not making sales or communicating with clients; you are basically inaccessible until everything comes back online.
Over 50% of businesses take more than one hour to get back up after a crash or power outage. And who knows how long the outage may last. Each hour down is an estimated loss of $10,000. While power outages are a major contributor to downtime and lost money, other causes include failing or aging technology and buggy applications.
You don’t want to put yourself in a position where downtime becomes an expensive risk. What can you do? Get a monitoring service! Monitoring services can keep tabs on your infrastructure and report their status 24/7. You will know what is working and what is not, and you will be able to respond to issues faster. That equals less downtime and less money lost.
Want more ideas on how to avoid downtime with our monitoring services? Contact IT Radix today!
First published in our January 2020 IT Radix Resource newsletter