Some folks not only like to get outdoors, they like to get up in the clouds in a hot-air balloon.  The 5th Dimension in 1967’s “Up, Up and Away” said the world’s “a nicer place” up there.  Ballooning originated in France in the 1780s and has grown in popularity ever since.  Most balloons fly somewhere between 1200 and 3000 feet above the earth’s surface.

While being up among the clouds is great for ballooning, being or working “in the cloud” has nothing to do with being 1200 or even 20 feet above the earth.  The “cloud,” in computing, is not in the heavens or among the winds.  The cloud just means that your data and/or software is stored somewhere other than within the four walls of your business.  The cloud refers to software and services that run on the Internet, instead of locally on your computer or network.

Contact IT Radix here for cloud solutions that will raise your business to new heights today!

First published in our September 2019 IT Radix Resource newsletter