Letting Go of Old Technology–Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Letting Go of Old Technology–Breaking Up is Hard to Do

You know it’s not good for you, but somehow you can’t let go…of your relationship with old technology.  As an example, many users feel that Windows XP was the high point in Windows Operating Systems. Despite it being over 17 years old and the target of widespread cyber-attacks, it remains an extremely popular OS.

One of our new clients is a leading formulator and manufacturer of beauty products with a legacy of innovation, quality and unrivaled service. When we performed our assessment of their IT infrastructure, we discovered that their 40 workstations were running a combination of Windows XP, 7 and 10. In addition, one of their servers was running Windows 2000!

Why do businesses continue to use technology well beyond the “use by” date? The reasons are myriad:  cost, reliance on business-critical applications that only run on the old OS, and user comfort and familiarity are only a few. No matter the reasons, there are some real risks associated with running outdated technology. Back to our XP example... Microsoft took the unusual step of releasing a patch two years ago to fight back against the global WannaCry ransomware attack, and recently released another patch in anticipation of a similar type of attack occurring in the future.

The Proverbial Finger in the Dam of Old Technology

But fixes like these are like putting your finger in the dam. Businesses can’t rely on Microsoft to continue to step in, and the dam will eventually break. Our client recognized the risks they were taking and ultimately let go of their old technology.

We recommended that they replace older machines that were running Windows XP, Windows 7 to preserve network security, eliminate the Windows 2000 sever, and ensure that hardware warranties on all their other servers were up to date. By letting go of their old technology, they now have the technological tools to deliver on their commitment to customer service and to adapt to an ever-changing marketplace.

To learn more about breaking up with your old technology, click here.