At IT Radix, we strive every day to provide our client with a “WOW” level of service.  We want them to be happy and thrilled and view our service with a big “Wow” when we complete a task.  Doing so takes on many forms each day with each project.  One of those forms is that we act as a trusted advisor to them.  We want to provide them with the best counsel regarding technology best practices and serve as the curators of their infrastructure.  We want them to rest easy knowing their technology systems are productive, secure and backed up.  We think that is the best way an IT firm can service its clients.  To us, this what a trusted advisor does.

Which is why we are sometimes stunned to see how other IT firms treat their clients.  We recently saw this as a new client recently partnered with us.  Two things about how the incumbent IT firm had treated our new client really struck us.  The first was a human resource issue.  The former IT provider attempted to steal away one of the employees from the client.  They did it blatantly and showed a deep lack of respect for their client by trying to “poach” an employee.  To us, that is unacceptable.  The second regarded the technology infrastructure at this client.  We found failing equipment that was ignored despite warning signals. and worse yet, there was no strong backup in place.  The client had no idea about any of this.  Just those two examples prove that the former IT firm chose not to act as a trusted advisor.

We are thrilled to be working with this new client, and they are exclaiming “WOW” in response to our actions and activities.  They think it is “WOW” worthy; we just think that is the way a trusted advisor should behave.