The team at IT Radix enjoys having strong relationships with our clients.  Such is the case with Renew International.  Cathy, Mike, Jim and Chuck had all enjoyed working with the wonderful people at Renew back in the mid 2000’s while employed at another firm.  As with many relationships, things changed over the years and we lost touch with each other.

Happily, in 2014, we were able to reconnect and there were literally hugs and smiles all around.  Renew had reached out to IT Radix because their current IT support provider simply wasn’t providing the help desk service they wanted and needed.  Basically, the staff at Renew had simply stopped using their help desk because the provider wasn’t solving their problems.  People were frustrated and felt as though their computers were working against them rather than for them.  We were able to step in and resolve basic computer issues and answer questions about how to better use their existing software.

What started with basic help desk services in 2014 has grown into a trusted advisory role with full managed services, strategic IT planning and more.  Our relationship with Renew continues to flourish and Renew themselves continue to evolve in their mission to foster spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition.  Looking to deepen and share your faith, we invite you check them out at