image-moving-pc-boxIs your business outgrowing your current office space? Well, as George Jefferson from the 1975 sitcom, The Jeffersons, would say, “you’ve finally got a piece of the pie and your business is movin’ on up!” That’s a good problem to have, right?

However, office relocation can be a pain in the rump. But with a little up-front planning, it can be less stressful. We hear quite often, “I didn’t know I needed to…” or “I completely forgot that.” Quite often, it’s what you don’t do that makes moving offices a disaster. By avoiding these four most common mistakes, your office move can be easy and effortless.

Mistake #1 — No Checklist

This may seem like a no-brainer to many; however, not everyone has strong project management skills. A related mistake is not making a detailed enough list. Visit our website to download a free office move checklist (

Mistake #2 >— Penny Pinching by Moving Your Own Computer Network

Many businesses will ask their staff to disconnect, move, and reconnect their own computers, phones, and other devices just to save money. This will only frustrate your staff, and you may end up with phones ringing at the wrong extension, missing cables, and potentially damaged computers as the result of being dropped or handled incorrectly. In particular, moving your network closet is a landmine of potential problems. Be smart and work with an IT pro to plan and move your network.

Mistake #3 — Not Hiring the “Right” IT Firm to Move your Network

While we’re on the topic, make sure you know what to look for when outsourcing the move. A few things to look for would include references from other clients, proof of insurance (get them to fax you a copy), a service-level guarantee limiting the amount of time you are down, and a professional, organized approach to quoting the move. A real pro will insist on visiting your current location as well as your new location to conduct a detailed site survey. Never hire anyone who wants to quote moving your network over the phone.

Mistake #4 — Not Giving Enough Advanced Warning to Phone, Internet and Cable Vendors

Failure to properly plan voice, data, and electrical installation in advance causes 80% of unexpected downtime and cost overruns on network moves. Many businesses mistakenly assume the cabling used by the previous tenant is suitable for your phones and computer network. By planning in advance, you can avoid emergency rush fees or Band-Aid fixes.

Telephone and Internet connections can require as much as 6 to 8 weeks advance notice to be installed, configured and tested to be ready when you move in.

If you are having new construction, don’t assume the contractor will know how many power outlets, phone, and network connections you’ll need. Remember, once the walls are up, changes and additions are typically at your expense. These days, the outdated rule of thumb of one electrical outlet, one phone and one network connection per employee is often inadequate. Printers, scanners, fax machines, and a variety of other technology is often overlooked resulting in last-minute scrambling for power and cabling.

If you’re planning an office relocation, it will take a “whole lotta tryin’ just to get up that hill.” We’d love to help you plan and execute a stress-free move. Contact IT Radix for a free site survey today!

First published in our February 2016 IT Radix Resource newsletter

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