The East West Connection is a Pittstown, New Jersey, based meeting and event company founded in 1990 by Ralph D. Weaver, a 23 year veteran of the public relations and communications fields. East West delivers exceptional meetings worldwide for a host of clients including seven operating units of top Fortune 100 pharmaceutical companies. Their clients demand exceptional service and tremendous security because East West manages meetings where a large amount of confidential data is introduced or exposed.
Ralph and his team were looking for an IT firm that could elevate their technology and security opening the door to even more opportunities for their clients. IT Radix is proud to be serving East West Connection. IT Radix has introduced a number of enhancements for this growing organization including upgrading network architecture and hardware, upgrading application software, moving email to the cloud and a host of other activities. The goal: To ensure the highest level of team member productivity along with exceptional security wherever data is…in transit or in storage. We look forward to helping this firm grow and become even more productive and successful. To learn more about the East West Connection, please click
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