image-plan-blocksA foundation, in most cases, is virtually invisible to the eye when one passes by a building. Even to the people who inhabit the building, whether living in it or working in it, the foundation is often never even contemplated. But without it, there is nothing to build on, nothing to support the edifice, and no base. Like a building, an organization needs a strong foundation so that it can grow and build upward and become a presence in the marketplace. That is why we often say that a strong technology network and a proactive, strategic maintenance and IT support plan is a key foundational element to a business. It facilitates productivity, growth and ultimately success.

But there are a host of other benefits for the smart construction management or other organizational executive who chooses one of our plans. Beyond the foundational benefits of having a strong technology platform that works, engaging with IT Radix with one of our plans keeps your computers and networks current with the latest software updates, anti-virus and critical security patches. Each plan keeps a tab on things 24/7 via monitoring software so that potential issues can be identified and defused, before they happen. Just as a construction manager does not rely on his state-of-the-art tools, but also his professional eye, our professional technicians monthly do a hands-on/eyes-on review of clients’ networks—from penthouse to basement. We call it proactive maintenance.

On top of that, we build into our plans key best practices including reliable backup of all your critical business data locally and online, monitoring and testing of all backups—daily—so that you are never without your key data. Not having your data is like showing up on the job site without your tools.

When it comes to choosing support plans, it is just like choosing key elements in your construction plan. You base your decision on the needs and the value received. Each of our plans builds upon the next. Our Keystone Plan, like a keystone itself, locks things into position so that your key network elements such as Servers and Firewalls are sound, up to date, secure and backed up. The next grade up, our Cornerstone Plan, is like a cornerstone that determines the position of an entire structure—in this case, the structure of your network because it also covers all your PC or MAC workstations and includes an allowance for IT help desk support hours. Our top plan, we call the Capstone plan. Like a capstone, it saddles and covers your entire network providing unlimited help desk support along with an allowance for IT projects such as new equipment to keep you up to date. Importantly, our Capstone plan takes all your IT worries away. The same way a capstone throws water away from the edifice it covers.

Each of these plans provides wonderful benefits, and as you move from plan to plan, they are deeper and wider. All provide ways to increase efficiency, reduce downtime and risk, enhance compliance and security, facilitate productivity, and ensure you are always up to date and protected. As the adage goes, “measure twice, cut once!”

First published in our December 2015 IT Radix Resource newsletter

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