More Than Housekeeping



Often when we meet new clients, we find that there are one or two key issues that need to be addressed in their network environment.  We reach this conclusion after a complete discussion of their approach to their business combined with a detailed technical assessment.  Generally, outside of addressing one or two issues, there is just what we call “general housekeeping” that needs to be done in order to get the client’s network running at top performance rates.

But there are times when we find that much more than just housekeeping is needed.  This was the case at the Law Office of Martin Eagan.   Things were working...but nothing was working well or up to best practices of our industry today.  Prior to engaging IT Radix, the firm had a long-time IT support supplier who had moved out of state.  His approach had been to just “leave things alone.”   And while that can be a good strategy for some things, it is not a good strategy when dealing with the ever changing/improving world of information technology, especially in the fast paced world of real estate and property law.

Suffice it to say, though, we have helped them with everything from a new email strategy to a new server and PC hardware, SharePoint and QuickBooks upgrades and a new anti-virus solution.  On top of that, the Law Office of Martin Eagan has made a smart choice and engaged with IT Radix in an IT Management and Support Plan which provides a host of benefits including a robust backup solution.  The house has been more than has been fully remodeled and is now worth a lot more than it was before!