image-sixteenth-noteKen Toumey avoids a walk on the wild side and shares key reasons for running anti-virus software.

Baby, baby it’s a wild world and on the internet it’s even wilder. Any major dude will tell you. So if you want your computers and networks to run in harmony, we suggest you don’t be crazy. Keep things upbeat…always run an anti-virus software program on your computers and network Here are a few reasons why:

Protection from Viruses

Computer hackers are bad company and generally have an appetite for destruction. They do the dirty work of creating royal scams that can hurt your organization and can easily corrupt your network. It’s a cheap trick, but it is a huge business.   Once viruses infect your computer, they can drastically slow down your processing speed, delete critical files and sometimes do irreparable damage leaving you with a communication breakdown.   I can’t tell you why these hackers do this, besides the lure of making money. So always protect your network with anti-virus software, the best can thwart 99.9 % of known viruses. It is smart to get professional guidance and support in implementing an anti-virus program on your network and nobody does it better than IT Radix.

Protection from Spyware and Identity Theft

Not only must you hide your love away, we suggest you protect yourself and your network from spyware which is the kind of software that takes advantage of the fact that all of us have too much information on our computers. If you do not protect yourself from spyware, your personal identity could go slip sliding away faster than you can say jumping jack flash. Some spyware is so sophisticated that it can record and steal data in real time. The waiting is not the hardest part for this software, but that is what it does…waiting for you to enter a credit card or social security number into a safe website and bang-bang it sends your information to those who will use it to purchase items or sell it on the open market to folks like bad, bad Leroy Brown.

Protection from Spam

It’s easy to get the workingman’s blues if you spend half your 9 to 5 workday being bombarded with and then deleting unwanted emails and ads in which you have less than zero interest.   If you’ve decided you ain’t wastin’ time no more, then you should use an anti-virus program that protects you from spam. Spam is usually the result of a virus stored on your computer. And antiv-irus software will help you to say bye bye bye to all that unwanted mail.

So, enough with the dissonance of viruses, spyware and spam! An IT consultation will lead to resolution of such maladies and toward a consonance between your computer network and the outside world. With IT Radix by your side, you’ll be on top of the world!

First published in our April 2014 IT Radix Resource newsletter