Child Safety Precautions for the Internet

November is Child Safety and Protection Month. There is plenty of information out there about keeping kids physically safe from cuts and bruises. But as more and more youngsters have access to the internet and borrow our devices, we thought it would be a good idea to share some guidelines about keeping young ones safe when they are surfing the web or using electronics.

Windows XP and Office 2003 are heading to the technology graveyard. Are you ready?

On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will no longer support or update Windows XP or Office 2003.  What does this mean?  These programs will be even more vulnerable to outside attacks. Take action before you get in a lurch!

They will still work but, and it’s a big BUT…You could be facing serious security and compliance issues if you continue to use these programs.

Protect Your Business – 5 Easy Things You Can Do Now

Let’s face it, bad things happen.  Since September is National Disaster Preparedness month, it’s a good time to “brush up” on some simple things you can do to protect your business.

Review your business insurance.  Make sure you have sufficient coverage to replace all of computer equipment, electronic devices and the like in your office.

B.Y.O.D. or C.O.P.E., that is the question?

As mobile devices continue to evolve become more critical to business success, many business owners are forced to answer this question.  Do you allow employees to “Bring Your Own Device” or BYOD to work or do you provide “Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled” devices?

What are the risks with B.Y.O.D.?  Here are 3 major risks for you to consider:

An employee’s device that connects to your network could be a conduit for viruses, hackers, and thieves.