IT Support That’s Just Right!

At IT Radix, we believe in fun. That’s one reason we distribute these newsletters. They are meant to be engaging, interesting, informative and fun. As you can see, the theme for our newsletters during the first quarter of 2015 is “Just For Fun!”

IT Radix also believes in doing the right things that fit our clients’ needs and doing them well.

Proactive Maintenance Leads to Improved Computer Health


“We are what we repeatedly do,” Aristotle proclaimed. We all know that we should brush our teeth twice a day, eat healthy, and get regular exercise. Sadly, not everyone does this.

Just as we should take care of our bodies, in business we should take care of our computer network because quite often it’s what makes everything flow through the business.

Windows Server 2003 End of Life…No Joke!

With just about 3 months away, Windows Server 2003 end of life is rapidly approaching. We know you’ve heard it from us before, but the average migration can take upwards of 100 days. What does this mean for a business still running Windows Server 2003? To put it simply, it’s time to get serious about removing this 12-year-old operating system from your IT infrastructure.