Social engineering and cyber security

Social engineering is the ability to manipulate people into willfully giving up their confidential information. The data varies, but in terms of cyber security this usually means passwords and bank information. Criminals are using social engineering to gain access to your business and its network by exploiting employees who often don’t have a clue about […]

IT Security Tip: It’s Week 1 of Cyber Security Awareness Month. STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

Quick Tip: Staying safer and more secure online starts with STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

This is simple, actionable advice anyone can follow.

STOP:  Make sure security measures are in place. This includes on your computers, your smart devices, your network (home or business) or even your Internet of Things (IoT) enabled-appliances or systems.

Do you take credit cards?

We are not posing that question as a customer; we are posing the question as your IT and Security consultant.  We ask because a “YES” answer means that your organization is required by law to put in place certain IT and security practices.

If you handle any type of credit cards or banking information, make sure your organization is in line with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance.

9 essential cybersecurity phrases

As with all technology, trendy phrases come and go with the passing of every IT conference and newly released virus. And when dealing with cybersecurity, keeping up with them all can mean the survival — or demise — of a business. If you’re looking for a list of the industry’s most relevant terms, you’ve come […]

IT Security Tip #23: 3 Rules to Keeping Your Data Safe in the Cloud

Quick Tip: Stop. Think. Protect.

Why?  If you’re using any kind of cloud application (and these days, who isn’t?), you are right to be concerned about data privacy and security. The company hosting your data is ultimately responsible for keeping hackers out of THEIR network, but most cloud breaches are due to USER ERROR. So it’s important that you, the user, are being smart about security.