WannaCry: A historic cyberattack

No one can escape the news of WannaCry. The IT industry has been covering this type of malware for years, but never has one campaign spread so far or infected so many computers. Read on to gain a greater understanding of what happened and how to prepare yourself for the inevitable copy cats.

Why You Need Email Encryption

Would you be upset if someone unintended read your mail?  What if the letter contained sensitive information?  Now consider email.  If you’re like many people these days, you send and receive literally hundreds of emails a week.

While we recognize that not all email is sensitive, there are times where you want to ensure the content of a message is kept confidential.

Making a Break for It

The keepers of the Parrot Gardens at the Vancouver Zoo thought they had it all under control in 2009. Clip the wings of all the birds and none can escape. Well, Chuva the Macaw found her way out and got pretty far down the road without flying—she found a nice spot to lounge, nestled in the engine of an RV parked in the lot.