September, for many, means the end of summer and “back to business” with the return of kids to school. While many of us enjoy time off and summer vacations (myself included), I know that cyber criminals do not stop. In fact, they often take advantage of our relaxed, guards-down attitudes. This is why we at IT Radix, like a broken record (a phrase that young people don’t truly understand these days 😉 ), keep emphasizing the importance of security and being prepared for disasters. Those of us, like myself, who have been around for a number of years have seen a variety of IT disasters or incidents—many of which could be avoided.

When I went on vacation this summer, I brought both my iPad and my laptop even though I was tempted to travel light and leave my laptop behind. As I was reminded—what would I do if someone in my family got COVID and we were forced to stay at our vacation destination for longer than planned? With my laptop, I could easily and safely work remotely pretty much anywhere.

Also, before traveling, I made sure to have all my security alerts and cyber protections in place so that while I was vacationing, I could safely use my iPad to find new places to explore, securely make reservations and book outings and lightly keep up on email. Was it a bit inconvenient dealing with our multi-factor authentication prompts? A little, but for me, the peace of mind the added security brought was totally worth it. I’m still relishing my memories of our family vacation in Bermuda even as we all get “back to business.”

First published in our September 2022 IT Radix Resource newsletter