Over spring break, we took a family road trip and visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Football Hall of Fame, along with some outdoor time hiking and more. We all enjoyed both venues and my son, Alex, especially enjoyed the Garage Band area where you could pick a guitar, play the drums or other percussion instruments, or sing along to your favorite band. I was impressed with the interactive exhibits and all the technology behind them. The Beatles tribute was a wall-to-wall room with video of a live performance in London, and you felt like you were up on the rooftop with them watching from the sidelines.

Ways to explore our diverse world have come a long way—helping us all gain a better understanding and perspective on life. That’s one of the wonderful things about our team at IT Radix. We all have diverse backgrounds and personal interests. The rise of working remotely has made it more difficult to interact on a personal level and I mourn the decrease of the impromptu banter around the “water cooler” that helps create stronger connections. Like all organizations, we’re adapting and evolving with our goal to find the right hybrid mix that keeps our team strong and pulling together to serve our clients. I’ll admit it’s not easy but it’s worthwhile and personally rewarding for me.

Enjoy the remaining dog days of summer!

First published in our August 2022 IT Radix Resource newsletter