Everyone has a different tolerance for risk. I enjoy trying new experiences, going to new places, etc. Sometimes it’s a risk—you don’t know what to expect, will you enjoy it and more. For me, the risks of trying these new experiences are well worth the rewards.

When it comes to the business of IT Radix and our clients’ information technology, I do not feel the same. Taking security risks is simply not worth it. Sadly, I see all too often businesses taking risks, gambling on their IT security—thinking they are saving money by not implementing stronger security measures rather than investing a little now to avoid having to pay big later when a security incident occurs.

I recently had the pleasure of hearing Marcus Lemonis speak at an industry event and he shared a story of how disruptive a cyber incident was to his company. It was more than just the potential lost data and money; it was the mental energy wasted, the emotional disruption, the feelings of being exposed, violated and more that was the biggest impact on his business. He reminded me of the value that IT Radix can bring to our clients by trusting us and investing in solutions to protect and enhance their organization. In listening to Marcus’ recognize and praise the efforts of all the unsung IT heroes in our industry, in that moment, I was proud to be in IT and able to help our clients succeed.

First published in our June 2022 IT Radix Resource newsletter