Growing up, I was taught to give back and help others in need by giving of our time in addition to financially. Sometimes that meant collecting food for the hungry, tutoring in school, picking up trash along our roads, or just being there for someone who was house bound or in a nursing home. Some things were more fun than others, but each experience helped me grow and become a better person. I’m proud to continue giving back at IT Radix with the help of my colleagues.

Instilling this value in my son, Alex, has proved to be more difficult than I’d like. In today’s busy world, you must consciously dedicate time to give back, and some things are simply not an option as they once were when I was growing up due to tighter controls and restrictions. However, the opportunities to give back are still there. After all, that’s what connects us. As Muhammad Ali said, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” So, I challenge you to ask yourself… how do you give back? It doesn’t have to be big; a simple smile or kind word can make someone’s day. Give freely and reap the benefits to yourself.

As we approach Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to thank all those who have given back to me and my family… Thank you!

First published in our November 2021 IT Radix Resource newsletter