I recently read an article online that said a business without personality and without heart is a business without a future. It went on to say the foundation of an organization’s personality and its heart lies in its core values. I couldn’t agree more, and I truly believe our core values are the secret to our success. We developed them together early on in IT Radix’s development, and we live them every day. Our core values drive our decisions and behaviors in everything we do.
While other businesses may have similar core values, none will have exactly the same as IT Radix—they communicate our authenticity and uniqueness. As you would expect, each core value resonates with me on a personal level; so, when asked which is my favorite or which is most important, I have difficulty in answering that question. To me, it’s the sum of them all that makes IT Radix great, gives us personality, and reveals our heart.
These core values cross over to my personal life, too. As a parent, a wife, a daughter and a friend, I use these core values with a personal slant to guide my decisions and actions. In the case of my son Alex, I hope that much of these values shine through him as he makes his way in the world in the future.
Enough “serious stuff”… Since we chose art as our hobby spotlight this month, I’ve decided to take a few hours to relax and have some fun at a virtual “Paint and Sip” outing especially because one of my core values is enjoying life and having fun. I hope you’ll do the same. Cheers!
First published in our April 2021 IT Radix Resource newsletter