Software Patches: Proactive Protection from Intruders

Software Patches are Important to Your Company's Security!
In the animal kingdom, nature is always changing, by adapting to meet the needs of the environment it’s faced with. Whether it’s a clever defense mechanism for a herbivore to fend off potential threats or a busy beaver architecting a home for itself, wildlife has no shortage of survival tools.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

IT Radix partnered with Milton Terry Associates and Andrea’s Innovative Interiors to design a space that is not only beautiful, but environmentally friendly.
Last summer, IT Radix embarked on an office remodel to enhance our workspace. Consistent with our core values of giving back and our commitment to recycle, we were pleased to donate most of our old office furniture to the Park Lake School, a local not-for-profit and our partner in newsletter production.

Cathy’s Corner – June 2018

From the desk of: Cathy Coloff
Subject: Unplug and enjoy nature!

Many of our readers know that we have a second home in Vermont that I really enjoy. We go up regularly all year round. I believe my love of Vermont started in my childhood running around in the woods of Cary, NC. We moved to Cary just as the Research Triangle Park area was starting to develop.