From the desk of: Cathy Coloff
This time of year is busy with the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I find that it makes it difficult to see the “magic” of Christmas or the world around you according to your personal faith. Whether you are religious or not, I do believe in magic. The magic of a smile or a hug at the right moment or that special friend calling when you need it most.
I’ve worked with Mike Oster for many years. One of the things that I enjoy most about Mike is his sense of humor and particularly, his humorous phrases—one of my favorites is “auto-magically.” Now, typically we use this in a technical context referring to the “magic” of how a computer or network device works or fixes itself, but why stop there? I believe you can create your own magic every day by giving a little of yourself—your time, your knowledge, or your possessions. I see it when Marybeth mentors one of our team members on how to handle a certain situation or another member picks up a treat at lunch for someone who’s feeling a little down. Outside of work, it could be less specific such as giving a homeless person warmth with a donation of mittens or an old coat. Or perhaps, it’s helping an elderly person with their groceries in the store. That feeling you get is magic—and I believe that’s why many of our team enjoy their jobs. They get to create magic inside themselves by solving problems and helping others with their computer questions and issues. So, magic is all around us everyday at IT Radix.
At home, I’m trying to help Alex understand that he can create magic too—sometimes, it’s not too easy; but there’s a song that we like to belt out to remind us that says, “I’ve got the magic in me”…and like in the book/movie Polar Express, I think you just have to BELIEVE.
Wishing you a happy and safe holiday season full of magic.
First published in our December 2017 IT Radix Resource newsletter