It Was Like Drinking from a Fire Hose

Have you ever been to an event where so much information and knowledge that you wished your head was a sponge that could just soak everything in? I recently had that opportunity and boy, was I lucky! I thought I'd share over the next few weeks some of my takeaways.

Law Firm Starts With a Strong IT Foundation

If you were starting your business, what sort of foundation elements would you want to have built in from the start?  Well, if you were smart, like our newest legal client who is launching his new firm, you would want to have the most up-to-date technology available at your fingertips backed up with the support of a proactive, professional and responsive IT firm.

Surround Yourself with Really Great People

Donna Miller, owner of C3Workplace, recently said at her amazing Small Business Week Celebration, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." My takeaway -- pick carefully who you spend time and make sure they're great.

I'm lucky at IT Radix because I'm surrounded by really great people.

Transportation Company Looks to IT Radix for IT Management and Support

IT Radix welcomes another new client to its growing roster of companies interested in ensuring that the technology backbone of their business is up to date, secure and running at a high level of effectiveness and efficiency. This latest client is a multi-location transportation and logistics company based in the Mid-Atlantic region.