IT Roulette – Not a game worth playing!


  1. What would happen to your business if the lawn or leaves weren't picked up wasn’t cut this week?   Would business continue?  Would employees be able to access key applications, files and documents?    Most would answer YES.
  2. What would happen to your organization if the office area was not cleaned and vacuumed according to the usual schedule? Would business continue?   Would customers be able to reach you and order products and services?   Most would answer YES.
  3. What would have happened to your business last winter if the parking lot was not plowed after that four inch snowstorm? Would your business continue?   Would your employees be able to conduct sales activities that bring your new customers?  Most would answer YES.
  4. What would happen to your firm if the kitchen area was suddenly out of coffee, tea or water?   Would your business continue? Would your employees be able to produce the products and services to meet the demands of your customers?   Most would answer YES.
  5. What would happen to your office if the business periodicals and other magazines that regularly arrive in the mail did not appear for a period of time? Would your business continue?  Would your team be able to formulate business plans or schedule new appointments?  Most would answer YES.
  6. What would happen to your organization if you lost all your key business data, files and applications?  What would happen to your firm if a virus caused your network to crash?   What would happen if your computers were down for an extended period of time?   What would happen if your Server was suddenly flooded with water or ruined in a fire?  Would the business of your business continue?  Most would answer NO. 

There are many business leaders, owners and managers who would answer YES to the first five questions and NO the sixth question.      The smart business manager though knows that it makes sense to fund the IT Budget so that their answer to question set 6 is YES.   That is why it makes sense to engage with a professional IT Services organization like IT Radix. 

The investment in ongoing technology maintenance and support is really not too different from the investment in coffee, lawn and property/office maintenance etc. that organizations make all the time without thinking. But the downside to those things not happening are nothing compared to losses from computer and technology issues. 

So think about the ongoing investments your organization is making and be sure to include enough to fund an ongoing IT support function or firm like IT Radix.  That investment will pay dividends!