Recently, a colleague sent me an Excel spreadsheet with the first column (Column A) hidden.
It took me a few minutes to realize what was going on–I could see a partial word in Column B and simply thought I needed to adjust the column width. After fiddling with it for a few minutes, I realized that Column A was hidden and that the partial word was simply a word in Column A that continued into the Column B cell which didn’t happen to have any data.
I use Excel a lot and thought, no problem, I can change this. Well, I discovered I didn’t know how to unhide the Column A. Thanks goodness for the Internet! I did a quick search and found an excellent article that told me exactly what to do. Sometimes, it’s that easy but not always.
That’s what IT Radix is here for–to help make IT work for you, our clients. On Friday, June 15th, we’re having a Lunch’n’Learn / webinar on how to maximize your use of Outlook. Outlook is one of the mostly heavily used software programs by our clients and yet most know and use only 20% of its capabilities. It’s our hope to teach you one simple thing to make using Outlook more useful for you.
If you’d like the answer on how to unhide the Column A, check out the article that I found here.