Our recent newsletter talks about taking our technology on the road – we offered a few suggestions on what to take as well how to be safe, but wait, there’s more….here’s more tips to ensure your PC or Mac is ready for its summer road trip.
• Remember, there is no such thing as privacy when you’re on a Public network. When you connect the free WiFi at Starbucks, your hotel or other public network, you’re on their network. All other computers connected to that network are technically “close” to you and there’s no protection from them except your own software firewall. Take a moment to ensure it’s on. If you have data on your hard that you’ve made accessible to your “home” network, it’s accessible to all the users of the hotel network too while you’re connected to it.
• Don’t forget to turn it off. Even if you’ve closed the lid on your laptop, your computer is still vulnerable. Wireless connectivity devices such as Bluetooth, can provide a backdoor to your data. If you’re doe with your computer, turn it off.
• Lock it up. Over 600,000 laptops are stolen every year, many from hotels and cars. A simple laptop lock can be used to deter theft.
• Slim down for the summer. Consider a computer tune-up to ensure your computer is running optimally. A tune-up typically includes a hard drive defrag and malware/spyware removal. Removing any unused programs can also improve overall performance and start-up times.
• Stay cool with AC (power that is, not air conditioning). One of your best friends on the road is a car adapter which can keep you powered up for long-stretches of time. I particularly like the iGo line because it’s flexibility to charge multiple devices. If you forget to take it, conserve your battery by avoiding power hungry applications like watching DVDs or playing heavy graphics games. Many laptops also have power adjustments which will slow your laptop down but at the same time, conserve your precious battery life.
If you’re on the road and need help, don’t hesitate to call us….with our remote support capabilities, it’s amazing what we can do with your assistance and the Internet.
Remember, when it comes to protecting your PC, the best defense is a good offense. In addition to taking some simple precautions while you’re on the road, feel free to call us and have your computer serviced before you leave to ensure an enjoyable and stress free vacation.