IT Radix Shieldstone Secure

Some Things Are Better Bundled
IT Radix makes it simple to protect your business from cybercrime
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Protect Your IT Network with IT Radix Shieldstone Secure

It’s no secret—cybercrime is on the rise. Every day, new threats are reported. Cybercrims is big business and cybercriminals don’t have to follow the rules. Have peace of mind knowing that you are protected — we’ve made it simple!

The IT Radix Shieldstone Secure Bundle Includes:

icon s03 Security Risk Assessment

Security Risk Assessment

An overall risk assessment of your IT security. The assessment includes an external vulnerability scan and an internal scan of workstations, servers, and other network devices that are active on the network at the time of the scan. You will receive a report of the results and your potential risks based on your business.

icon s03 Employee Security Awareness

Employee Security Awareness Training & Testing

Online training portal with interactive modules, videos, games, ongoing security tips and reminders. Training campaigns remind and test employee with insight via easy to review management reports. Employee Email Phishing Send simulated phishing emails to team and improve their ability to spot and avoid a real phishing email.

icon s03 Real Time Alerts

Employee Security Awareness Training & Testing

Proactive monitoring of the Dark Web for your organization’s stolen or compromised identity information with realtime alerts when data is discovered. The monitoring service combines human and sophisticated Dark Web intelligence with search capabilities to identify and proactively monitor for your organization’s compromised or stolen employee and customer data.

icon s03 Anti Ransomware

Anti-Ransomware Protection—DNS Filtering

Protect all your employees on their computers and devices, even when they are working remotely from falling prey to ransomware. The DNS Filtering stops ransomware and malware earlier than traditional firewalls and A/V software. Effectively protect your users without performance impacts.

IT Radix Shieldstone Secure Bundle Pricing

Users Up to 25


per month

Users 26-50


per month

Users 51-100


per month

Users 100+


per month

** Setup fee waived for IT Radix Managed Service Clients **

Sign up for IT Radix Shieldstone Secure today