Our Favorite Board Games

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Amy – My favorite board games are Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit.

Ashleigh – I’m not really very big on board games, but I do enjoy a game of Scrabble now and then.  I love words! 😊

Cathy – I haven’t played an adult board game in quite some time.  I was always a fan of Pictionary because I enjoyed the funny pictures; but, I think Backgammon might beat it out.  I used to play it on our sailboat with family and friends as a kid.

Christy – I love playing board games and have lots of favorites!  Some of them are: Monopoly  – Taken very seriously in my house and has caused some quarrels (LOL)., True Colors – This is a fun game to play to see how much your friends really know you., Fibbage  – This one gets pretty funny when playing—at the end a winner is crowned!

Chuck – My favorite board game is Taboo.  My friend and I have won so much when we’ve played together that now we’re banned from being on the same team.

CWMunchkin is currently my favorite tabletop game, and there’s nothing like a game of Sushi Go!

Dan P. – My favorite board game is Scrabble. This sentence would be worth 49 points!

Doug V. – My favorite board game is The Game of Life.

Frederick – My favorite board game is Connect 4.

Jandy – My all-time favorite board game to play is Pictionary!  Probably because I’m really good at it!  I also have fond memories of playing Michigan Rummy with my family growing up.  Always looking for a way to save money, my parents made their own game board out of a piece of cardboard.   New Year’s Eve tradition now is hosting a Family Game Night with friends.

Jim – My favorite board game is Chess.

Joe – My favorite board game is Monopoly.  Who doesn’t love a board game that almost always ends in a fight and disappointment and friends not speaking to one another for a week.

KenScrabble is a lot of fun to play –doesn’t take too long, takes smarts and luck and you really get to know people when you play it with them.  I also like playing Chutes and Ladders.

Kris – I’ll have to go with the classic Monopoly—brings back many good childhood memories.  We would play this game for hours and hours.  Scrabble is another favorite.

Laurie S. – I love Pictionary! I guess I am pretty good since everyone always wants me to be their partner.

Laurie T. – My favorite board game is Clue. It is so suspenseful!

Marybeth – Just can’t name one!  My favorite board game has progressed over the years:  Monopoly as a child, Backgammon as a teen, Trivial Pursuit and Balderdash in my twenties (dating myself!).  Then, with kids:  Connect 4, Cranium, Cadoo, RummiKub and endless games of Risk.  In more recent years, my wonderful friend, Elaine, is a board game nut, and we have fun playing Settlers of Catan and a multitude of memorable laughs playing Telestrations and Cards Against Humanity.

Melissa – I don’t play board games too often anymore.  Growing up, two of my favorites were Clue and The Game of Life.  It’s always nice to live your life vicariously through a board game (LOL).  During our summer trips to the Outer Banks, we would always play board games during the evenings while we were staying at my aunt and uncle’s house.  Our favorite was Cranium.  We would team up, roll the dice and either have to act/sing, draw, spell a difficult word, or answer a trivia question.  We would spend hours playing and laughing because everyone sounded or looked ridiculous while trying to give their partner the hint.

Mike – My house is quite the board game house!  We have fairly regular game nights.  While we don’t really play any of the old standards like Monopoly or Clue, we do play quite the variety of games.  My current favorite it probably Settlers of Catan.  While the title may not be familiar to many people, it has been around for quite a while and in the last decade or so has really gained in popularity.  Another good one is Ticket to Ride.  It’s fairly new, probably only around 10 years old.  Many will not have even heard of this one.  While not technically board games, there are some card-based games we enjoy as well:  Code Names, Killer Bunnies and Red Dragon are just a few that can be found in my house.

Nina – We don’t play many board games in our house anymore because Nintendo has completely taken over!  With that said, I did play many board games with my siblings when we were growing up.  My favorite was always Trouble.  I love the sound of the Pop-O-Matic die container and still have a copy of this game for old times’ sake.

Pat – My favorite board game is Risk.  When I was a senior in High school and entering the Marines, I visited my cousin who was a Drill Instructor at the time.  While there, I saw how they bring the recruits into one building and teach them all together.  I went into another room and the other Drill Instructors were playing Risk!  They leave it there until the next person can go.

Thomas S. – My favorite board game is definitely Monopoly. Always buy the railroads first; it never fails!

Tom Q. – My favorite board game is Monopoly.

Tracy – I play a lot of cards and board games when family/friends visit and for my family’s New Year’s tradition of Game Night.  On Game Night, a variety of games are played all evening and the person who wins the most games all evening wins a pile of Lottery scratch tickets.  We like to play Skip-Bo, Clue, S’Quarrels, Chinese Checkers, Backgammon, Uno, Rummy, Farkle, and Phase 10.

Zach – It has to be a tie between Risk or Monopoly…the best games are the ones that last longer than 5 hours.