
Free Electronics Recycling!

Happy Earth Day!

Do you have old computers that you would like to dispose of? Join us as we celebrate Earth Day with free e-waste electronics recycling the entire month of April!

Just drop off your items at our office in Whippany.

Cables (all types)Hard DrivesPhones and Phone Systems
CamerasHubsPortable Electronics
CD PlayersiPodsPower Supplies
Cell PhonesKeyboards/MicePrinters
ChargersLCD MonitorsRouters
Circuit BoardsLab EquipmentSmart Phones
Computer ChipsLaptop BatteriesStereo Components
Computer EquipmentLaptopsStereos
Computer SpeakersMainframe EquipmentSwitches
ComputersMedia SticksTelecom Equipment
Cordless PhonesMemory SticksTelephones
CordsModemsTesting Equipment
Dot Matrix PrintersMotherboardsVCRs
DuplicatorsNetworking Equipment
DVD PlayersPagers
Gaming SystemsPCI Cards

Remember, in an effort to secure your private data, it’s STRONGLY recommended to erase your hard drive BEFORE recycling your computer.

We recommend getting a Certificate of Destruction. $10.00 per drive will be assessed. Hard Drives are destroyed with degaussing equipment to ensure that insufficient magnetic remnants are rendered useless to reconstruct data. Equipment is four times the government standard and certified by the U.S. Department of Defense.

If certification is not required, hard drives are physically disassembled.

We cannot accept CRT monitors and TVs as they require special handling.

In partnership with:

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Green Vision Inc. is a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) tax exempt program that teaches adolescent students and adults with autism how to properly dismantle and recycle unwanted electronics.