5 Easy Things You Should Do To Protect Your Business Today
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Write A Simple Disaster Recovery Plan. The key word here is “simple.” If your plan gets too complicated or difficult, you won’t do it. But, at a minimum, think of the disaster that is most likely to happen and that would have a severe and negative impact on your company’s survival. You need a step by step plan detailing what to do if a small or large disaster affects your facility.
Conduct a Fire Drill. Test your Disaster Recovery Plan and make sure it works! We cannot stress enough the importance of conducting a “dry run” before a disaster (like our current COVID-19 pandemic) happens!
Review Your Business Insurance Carefully. Most businesses carry some type of general liability insurance that would pay them if their plant and the things in it were damaged. However, many businesses do not have enough coverage to replace all the computer equipment and devices, desks, art, supplies and other things they’ve accumulated over the years. These items may be housed in their office or on the warehouse or factory floor. Make sure you review your policy every year and keep in mind new additions and assets you’ve accumulated during that year.
Consider Cloud Computing. One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing is that your data and assets are stored off-site in a highly secure, high-availability data center, with failover and redundancy built in. That means that if your site were destroyed and you had to evacuate, or if your server melted down due to an unexpected hardware failure, everything you’ve worked so hard to create over the years is safe and not a sitting duck in your unsecured closet or server room.
- Secure Your Data. Making sure your data is protected from theft is a never-ending battle you don’t want to lose. Companies that get hacked and expose sensitive and proprietary client and employee data can face severe penalties, lawsuits and massive loss of credibility in the marketplace. Make sure you never have to send an e-mail to your customers or vendors explaining the bad news that a hacker accessed their info through you. Further, if you keep any sensitive information (even passwords to portals containing sensitive information) on portable laptops, phones and other devices, make sure you have a way of controlling and safeguarding that information.
Want help implementing any of the items on this list? Call us at 973-298-6908 during the months of September and October for a FREE “Protect My Business” consultation to tackle any or all of the above.
Yes! Please send me your FREE Disaster Prevention Planning Toolkit so I can gain peace of mind knowing we have a plan in place in the event of a disaster!
- A FREE Disaster Recovery Plan Checklist that will make it SUPER easy for you to put a simple (but effective) disaster recovery plan in place.
- A FREE Emergency Supplies Checklist to make sure you have what you need on hand should disaster strike.
- A FREE guide titled, “The 10 Disaster Planning Essentials For Your Business Network.” This will outline key systems and steps you need to take to make sure your computer network is safe and can be accessed in the event of a disaster.