Staff Pick: YouTube

Doug V, Joe, and Ken’s favorite website is YouTube.

YouTube is known as a source of entertainment because of the large variety of videos. However, a more useful way to use YouTube is to find “how-to” videos that can help you learn how to do something new.

Get to know Anthony…

Anthony comes to IT Radix with his Associates Degree in Computer Science and Digital Media Technology from the County College of Morris. Anthony has over 10 years of experience in overseeing customer service teams and coordinating general operations.

Anthony is part of the marketing and client support teams at IT Radix.

How Green Is YOUR Business?

Sustainability Has Always Been More Thank Just a "Buzz Word" to IT Radix
If you ask someone what one of the most popular “buzz words” currently is, they may say sustainability. With the “Go Green” movement so popular right now, sustainability—meeting one's own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs—is a hot topic.

Internet Safety Tips for Parents

How to Keep Kids Safe Online
In today’s climate, is there anything more prevalent than the Internet? In fact, we’ve grown so accustomed to using it that the Internet now seems to help us meet any need or want. Unfortunately, we don’t often think about the effect that has on our kids, who have never known a world without this level of technology.

Thou Shalt Keep IT Security Front and Center

The 10 Commandments of IT Security
IT Security Commandment #1: Thou Shalt Keep IT Security Front and Center
Q: What did Moses say after smashing the tablets that contained the 10 Commandments?
A: “That’s okay, I have a backup in the cloud.”

Now that we have your attention, we want to introduce you to the 10 Commandments of IT Security.

Cathy’s Corner – January 2023

As we move into 2023 and IT Radix launches an official Sustainability Program, I’m reflecting on something my son said to me once when I made him take something out of the trash and move it to the recycling bin… “Why do you care so much?” Having grown up in New Mexico, North Carolina, and Virginia during my younger years and now New Jersey and Vermont, I’ve spent a lot of time outdoors.