Newness is often a wonderful thing, but if every time you turn around something new is happening, it can be disconcerting. That is why one our newest clients partnered with us. They simply could no longer handle working with a series of small, sole proprietor IT support providers. None of them stayed in business long enough because they either got another full time job, they moved out of the area or just could not sustain the business.

Our client is a custom manufacturer of dust collection systems, HVAC systems, air pollution control systems, sound enclosures and all sort of equipment that move air through buildings and installations. The office manager said to us when we first met, “We just want to find a great company to service us, and one that is going to stay.” So while IT Radix is “something new” to this client, we intend to become an old and reliable friend, because we are planning to stay in business a very long time—by providing WOW service and putting our clients first. This simple recipe is the foundation of IT Radix and continues to be part of our core values going forward.

We have also updated their environment with new PC hardware and a few “killer” monitors that help their staff with engineering drawings. As a Touchstone IT Support and Management client, our client can rest easy that we are monitoring and maintaining their computer systems to ensure reliability. Our client has been in business since the 1940’s, so we are thrilled to be working with them…and we intend to be doing so for a long, long time!