IT Radix has been inviting clients, prospects, guest and friends to our famous Lunch’n’Learn events for over 6 years now. We have covered a host of topics that are important to business owners and managers alike. Each year we plan out a series of subjects to cover ensuring that those who join us learn and get value for their time invested. We are not just saying that—attendees complete feedback forms after each presentation and we consistently get high marks and lots of “Thank Yous”! So, the next time you hear about one of our Lunch’n’Learn events, put it on your calendar and let us know you are coming.
You might learn a lot…AND…you might even make a new connection! You see, in just the past two Lunch’n’Learn events that we hosted, we know of at least 6 new connections made. That means 12 business professionals got connected and met someone who can help them as a client or a confidante or even a strategic partner. This is the “not so secret” benefit of these meetings. One of our recent attendees, Arnie Rintzler of AWR Business Concepts, explained it in this way: “I almost never leave an IT Radix lunch and learn without having at least one significant company to follow up with. Being an IT Radix client or prospect is a very positive pre-qualification. And, I never have left without learning something significant.” So, the next time you hear about an IT Radix Lunch’n’Learn, make it a point to join us!
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