Law Firm Finds Security with an IT Support and Management Plan

Phelan, Frantz & Peek LLC is a Westfield, New Jersey based law firm specializing in the areas of estate planning and administration, tax planning, real estate and small business. The firm traces its roots back over 90 years and enjoys working with generations of its client families.

IT Security Tip #6: The DANGERS of Dropbox and other file sync apps

Quick Tip: Use only company-approved, business-grade file-sharing apps.

Why: If you’re using a personal Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive or other consumer-grade file sync and sharing cloud applications, listen up! These applications pose a huge threat to your company because company data can be spread far and wide without central oversight of what information is being shared with whom.

January 2016 Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to our winner, Lori Dring of Polygon Data Products Inc., the lucky recipient of a $25 AMC gift certificate.

QUESTION: What is the longest running sitcom on TV?

(ANSWER:  The Simpsons)

The New Year and Good IT Habits

We are already halfway through January. By now most people have stopped greeting each other with a cheerful “Happy New Year!” Many New Years’ resolutions to start good new habits have already been broken.

Even though we are already well into the new year, it is still a good time (and there is never a bad time) for managers or executives who rely on information technology to start smart good habits—habits that will last all the way thorough 2016 and beyond.

IT Radix Helps NJ-Based Import Company Leverage Technology to Achieve Objectives

Niche Import Co. is a New Jersey based firm whose mission is to form strategic partnerships with wine and spirits producers all over the globe in order to bring their high quality brands to the U.S. market. Led by Terri Nelson, CEO, Niche Import Co. is passionately committed to aggressive growth and to surpassing producers’ and customers’ objectives via a collaborative, business building approach.

Get Smart with VoIP

Perhaps you already have a shoe phone as top secret agent Maxwell Smart did in Get Smart—a phone that allows you to be anywhere, making and receiving calls on the company phone number. If not, then perhaps you’re ready for the “old voice-to-data trick”—Voice over IP (VoIP). Although Maxwell would like to think so, VoIP is not really a trick.

IT Security Tip #5: Make THIS password different from everything else

Quick Tip: Make your email password different than all others.

Why: You know you’re guilty of it: using the same password for everything. Believe me, I understand how annoying it is to try and remember all those passwords. If you’re using the same password for sites that don’t share sensitive information, like a login to a news feed you like to read, then it’s generally okay.

Get to know John better…

Armed with a certificate in Computer and Networking Support from Lincoln Tech and 4 years of experience in a variety of office-related positions, I am happy to begin my professional IT career here at IT Radix. Growing up fixing computers has been more fun than work over the years, and I’ve always been drawn to net­works and security.

Kick Off the New Year with Employee Security Awareness Training

Cybercrime is at an all-time high. Hackers are setting their sights on small-to-medium businesses who are “low hanging fruit” ripe for attack. Don’t you wish you had a robot like in Lost in Space who would announce “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!” whenever someone at work was about to open that phishing email, or click on that infected website or take some other unintentional but potentially dangerous action on their computer or your network? The #1 security threat to any business is…you!

Don’t be their next victim! Resolve to educate and train your team on IT security and raise their awareness of the dangers lurking on your network which, like Dr. Smith, can be on the inside.